ORBINOX GROUP COMPANYPlease indicate the ORBINOX Group Company you wish to contact. Company * -AlemaniaBrasilCanadáChinaEspañaEE.UU.FranciaIndiaReino UnidoSudes asiáticoChilePerúINFORMATION Name * E-mail * Company * Address City * Postal Code Country * Telephone * Request Request * Claúsula * * I have read and accept the legal notice. ““In compliance with the Personal Data Protection Spanish Act (Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal), the data that have been provided are going to be included for treatment purposes in a file named “Clientes” (clients) hold by ORBINOX VALVES INTERNATIONAL, S.L. and duly registered in the Data Protection Spanish Agency (Ilma. Agencia Española de Protección de Datos). The aim of the file is to keep and manage the relationship with the interested party and to handle its information request. When so expressed, the submittal of information regarding personal data will be a must and failure to providing it or the submittal of incorrect data will prevent ORBINOX VALVES INTERNATIONAL, S.L. from handling the interested party’s request for information. The interested party is hereby informed that if he/she desires to exercise his/her rights to access, rectify, cancel and/or oppose, he/she can write to the following address: ORBINOX VALVES INTERNATIONAL, S.L., Polígono Industrial Anoeta, s/n, C.P. 20270 – Anoeta (Gipuzkoa). E-mail ovi@orbinox.com.” .” 2 + 5 Submit